Thursday, July 31, 2008

I've been making mosaics for a long time, but the first real art, for the sake of art, rather than utility, came with "Midlife Crisis," created around the time of my 40th birthday, in October of [inaudible mumbling]. But like many things I make, there's an element that has some use. In this, the "biological clock" in the abdomen actually works (even though the better pun would have been a broken clock).

I had originally planned to sell this one for about two grand. I even got some offers to trade with artists whose work I admired. But in the end, I decided to keep it. That doesn't mean I'd refuse to let it go were I to get the right offer. But I would have to make another. I've enjoyed having this one around the house.

I have little use, however, for the "Supersuit." Originally I'd planned to do a series of superheroes with appropriate appendages: Batman would have a bat penis, Superman would have a speeding bullet or a locomotive ("into you like a train"?), and Spiderman would have a spider. But the project took too long, and this one, created on a plastic torso instead of fiberglass, is too fragile. A bend, a bonk, a single ding, and the glass will pop right off, despite hours I spent sanding and priming. It happens. I have some solutions that will aid in securing Superman's permanence, but I haven't had the time to test them out. I also wanted this body to be posted on a flat piece of plywood, with the words to the original cartoon introduction posted around the perimeter and the red cape turning to two-D on the board.

Where is the time?